Northern view of the parish church St Martin

Presumably in Batzenhofen existed a small church already in the first half of the 8th century, that was dedicated to the popular Frankish saint St Martin. At this place about 1500 a church with a gothic chancel was built, which is mentioned 1676 as "one of the most beautiful in the whole chapter" in the records of the Augsburg Episcopal chair.
During 1717 - 1720 a new baroque nave was built while maintaining the gothic chancel. The consecration of this new house of God happened on 09/17/1722. In 1737 the steeple got a copper onion dome instead of the extant saddleback roof.
Famous Augsburg court painter Johann Georg Bergmiller decorated the high altar with the painting "St Martin with the goose". The inside of the church shows rich late baroque ornamentation on walls and ceiling. It lets already feel the beginning rococo. The twelve apostle figures along the side walls date from the 2nd half of the 19th century. A "Pieta" figure of the Madonna at the right side altar goes back to the 14th century.
The frescos of chancel and gallery are work of the Haugg Brothers from Ottobeuren and Otto Pöppel from Munich.
In 1946/47 an extensive redecoration and dehumidification was done and in 1962 an renovation of the outside.
The inside was renovated in the 80ies anew. The altars and figures have to wait still, because in the moment another outside renovation happens.
If you visit our church, please keep in mind, that beside all art you don't enter a museum, but a house of worship.
If you are lucky, you can even hear our church bells as a reward for your proper behavior.

Inside view of the late baroque parish church St Martin
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